Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Really? I can't believe its been so long. I guess sometimes life just seems to get so busy. Since I last blogged so much has happened. Well, I now experience joys of being a mom of child attending school. Things seem to be just that much more crazy. When Aivia started school things were at a good steady pace, but the last couple months have really started to give me a taste for next year. There always seems to be some activity or parent participation. That and the required thirty hours each family volunteers each year. Although its been busy I love seeing Alivia thrive. She has grown up so much since the first day of school. Excelling in her class, reading and doing spelling tests. Things I don't remember doing in kindergarten. I can't wait to see Kate experience school. Next week is her Kindergarten Round-up, I think I am more nervous than her. She is so excited to go to school like Alivia, telling me all the time she needs to practice her letters.

Porter is growing so much, no longer a baby. He talks all the time, he pretty much can say any word you ask him to.

JC is traveling allot. This time he will be going two weeks in a row. I know its hard on him, just like it is here.

The girls have started a dance class, and loving every moment. They get to share it with their cousin Devree. In June they will be having a recital, where they can show off all they have learned. I can't wait, little dancers are just the cutest.

St. Patrick's Day arrived and turned out to give us a taste of spring. The day was nice and warm little breezy but all in all beautiful. We started out the morning with having green milk and green pancakes. The kids were not too sure of it at first, but once they realized that it tasted all the same they dug in. We had to take advantage and go to the park. Joined us was Nana, Tara, Mike, Violet, Marli, Daphne and Brock. Porter thought it was to coolest thing. He now is old enough where he climbs the stairs and heads down the slide. Totally fearless thou, which scares me. He would go down head first, on his tummy and spinning all the way around all the way down. The girls got all their wiggles out and by the time we got home the kids were pooped and went to bed with out a fight.

The kids were so thrilled when we were invited to go horseback riding with Uncle George and Kenny. They were shown around the farm enjoying the ponies, cows, horses and six dogs that ran around their feet. We went on back to the indoor stable to ride the horses. Kenny was kind enough to give the girls a ride. Alivia loved it and jumped up to get on first. Kate was excited too and enjoyed it. Next we thought Porter would do better with daddy on the horse with him. Ahhh.... well lets just say he liked it better not on the horse. He talked all about the horse until we put him on. Once he got on he cried. We got him down and asked him if he wanted to try again and he told us very bluntly (NO). Even I joined in and rode the horse. The day was busy from the second we woke up, but we are so happy we were invited.

Easter crept right up on us. We spent the night before dying our eggs. The girls did so great choosing their colors and placing stickers. Porter well he enjoyed himself too spilling the green dye all over him. staining his belly for a few days. The next morning the Easter bunny had come with candy and eggs hid throughout the family room. Alivia and Kate ran to gab as many as they could. Porter pretty much got one candy ate it then went on to the next. We then met up at Nana and Papa's for the Easter egg hunt, and Easter dinner. It was so nice to see all the family enjoy the day. We then headed off to aunt Heathers, we had so much fun. Of course our holidays are filled with traveling from one house to another, and at times seems so overwhelming. But all in all we are very fortunate to be able to enjoy our holidays with both sides of the family.

This year is coming with a few hurdles. Porter recently had to be sedated for a cavity on his teeth. It went real well, he was quite cranky for a few days, but I can't complain. He is quite the little stud.

Kate will need to have surgery on her tummy she has a small hernia to have fixed. Porter also will need to have one too just not for the same thing. So we will have to get though this year. I hate that they have to go through any of this, but I know its what they need.