Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Oh this weather has been soooo nice. The kids have been having so much fun outside. This past month has been busy and exciting. Alivia attended her Kindergarten Round Up, she said her school is so awesome. When we got there she walked off easy with the teachers, off to do activities while mom went in for a meeting with the kindergarten teachers. She obviously will not have any problem leaving me. When we got home Kate was a little sad, she told me she really really bad wants to go to Gindergarten. I will definitely have to spend some special time with her once Liv starts. Porter is officially on the go he started crawling about two weeks ago. He is EVERYWHERE he follows Alivia and Kate all over the house. What is scary he already pulls him self up next to the couch and tries to walk. Falling and standing on some very wobbly legs, he wants to walk. I just hope it takes awhile he is only 8 months please no walking yet, he is my baby and I want him to stay little, at least for a little longer. JC has been traveling to Idaho alot or it seems like. I feel bad he works so hard, I appreciate everything he does. I really could have not asked for a better husband. JC I love you!

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